The project’s actions ensure the successful implementation of the project, as well as the achievement of the qualitative and quantitative objectives that were set from the beginning of the project.
Preparatory actions
A1 Elaboration of a communication plan
The action aims to the elaboration of a detailed Communication Plan which will include the main techniques employed, timeframe and media timing for the communication of the project’s objectives.
Core actions
B1 Awareness Campaign on natural values and Ecosystem Services of Troodos National Forest Park
The aim of this action is to promote public awareness and information on the significance of the natural values of the Troodos National Forest Park and the ecosystem services that the Troodos National Forest Park and the Natura 2000 network in general provides. The ultimate goal is to change the perception and behaviour of the public towards the importance of the Natura 2000 protected sites. Awareness campaign will involve production and broadcasting of TV and Radio spots and presentations, Radio live links and animated cartoon spots. It will also include the production of press adverts, magazine adverts, press releases, project leaflet and outdoor advertising. Moreover, the action will include advertising on Google display network, web banner in two main portals in Cyprus and there will be continued presence of the project on Facebook.
B2 Information and Awareness workshops
The action includes the organisation of workshops. The workshops will aim to improve awareness on the natural values and ecosystem services provided by the Troodos National Forest Park and build capacity of specific stakeholders.
- Rural workshops aim to change the perception, inform and promote human engagement in conservation activities, receive feedback and familiarise people who live inside or near the Natura 2000 site of Troodos National Forest Park.
- Policy implementers workshop (Town Planning and Housing Department) aims to improve awareness and build capacity of specific stakeholders (policy implementers) on the natural values and ecosystem services provided by the Natura 2000 network and specifically of the Troodos National Forest Park.
- Tourism sector workshop (i.e. Cyprus Tourism Organisation) will target the tourism sector in order to improve awareness on the natural values and ecosystem services provided by the Troodos National Forest Park.
- Stakeholders’ workshops (Troodos Development Company, Cyprus Forest Association, etc.) aim at all stakeholders indicated in the project so that they will get familiarized with project objectives and provide any comments about the implementation of the project activities.
B3 Attracting visitors to Troodos National Forest Park
The action aims to increase the available information and public awareness on environmental and nature issues in Troodos National Forest Park, by promoting natural values and ecosystem services provided by the site and the Natura 2000 Network in general. The activities of this action will combine public awareness with recreation activities in order to attract the interest of local and foreign visitors within and near Natura 2000 site. This will be carried out through the production of a documentary, installation of information boards, establishment of information points, modification of “Livadi tou Pasia site” for people with mobility and visual impairments, creation of an outdoor mobile exhibition and of mobile Apps.
Monitoring of project’s impact
C1 Monitoring of project’s core actions
This action is designed to measure the effectiveness of the core actions and the project’s impact during the formal reporting of the project (during the Mid-term Report and the Final Report) and three years after the end of the project (to be included in the After-LIFE Plan).
C2 Monitoring of the project’s impact
The aim of this action is to monitor/assess the impact of the project on the target audiences, as well as on the local economy and population in the areas within/near the Troodos National Forest Park through the implementation of telephone surveys, online surveys, group interviews and recordings of visitors.
Communication and dissemination of the project and its results
D1 Technical publications and dissemination of results
The purpose of this action is to establish a network between this project and other relevant LIFE and non-LIFE projects, as well as to promote the project objectives and results to those stakeholders that could usefully benefit from the project’s experience (replicability).
Networking and exchanging experiences with other projects on the approaches they used to change public attitudes on similar issues will provide significant knowledge and experience on the most effective ways of communication with general public. In addition, technical dissemination activities of the project’s outcomes will involve:- Presentation and publication in related conferences
- Publication of a technical guide on raising awareness regarding the importance of conserving the natural values of a Natura 2000 site and the ecosystem services, provided by the site
- Organization of a final info-day during the last month of the project
- Publication of a replication plan in order to maximise the effort on the replicability and transferability of its results to a wider audience within and outside Cyprus, as well as beyond the project’s lifetime.
D2 Project’s promotion campaign
This action aims towards disseminating information material and keeping the target audience and stakeholders continuously informed about the project’s implementation and the project’s objectives and activities. The implementation of this action will include:
- Preparation of newsletters presenting the annual progress and activities of the project
- Creation of promotional material such as stickers, flash drives and notepads
- Publication of annual press releases and articles in order to promote and inform on the project progress
- Creation and installation of notice boards at the premises of each project partner
- Development of the project’s website
- Publication of Layman’s report in order to inform all stakeholders and non-technical audience on the objectives and results achieved by the project.
Project management
E1 Overall project management
This Action aims on the effective administrative, scientific and financial coordination and proper implementation of the project, as well as to secure the continuation of specific activities after the end of the project, through the preparation of an After-LIFE Plan.
E2 Monitoring of the project’s progress
This action is specifically designed to monitor the progress of the project and to evaluate the timely and proper implementation of the project’s actions.